1 Corinthians 13:12 

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.   


There are some things we each must know and feel for ourselves: How we love our companions, our kindred or our kin; how we feel, in the depths of our hearts all the moments of love, caring, compassion, worshiping in the joy of truth and peace, and even the loss, of a loved one.


We know and feel it with emotions of the same love, which God sheds abroad in our hearts; the love which helps us feel all the things which affect us in life and living, and even in or mourning: All of which there is too much to be said in such a small space, to show what Paul was expressing here, just a little, of what it must be like to stand with the redeemed family of God before Him in Heaven.


So many things, we can only see now in the spirit, or by the feelings of inspired preaching to our hearts and minds: But when the cause of great rejoicing comes; when we see all the glory of God, we now  can see only in the reflections of God's love; but when we feel and know the  shining of eternal love upon us before Him in glory: What a day that will be!



Understanding The Bible Definition and Purpose of the Law of Moses! PT 1 |  The Agapegeek Blog


“Intreat Me Not to Leave Thee”

In looking at the title above, there is one word which only appears in the Authorized Version of the KJT (King James Translation). It is the word “intreat” instead of the standardized word “entreat” commonly used in versions other than the authorized one.

The difference between “entreat” expresses action toward and is an active expression, denoting how we treat; while “intreat” (very briefly) denotes interposition.

In Ruth 1:16, 17, Ruth is requesting Naomi, to interpose for her concerning the law of Israel, because she was a Moabite, which is an important distinction, according to the law.


Elder John Young, Editor

“The words of the Lord are pure words: As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Psalm 12:6

The Lord has blessed us with a window into His truth, through His word, by which His saints have labored continuously in His Church, seeking to worship Him in Spirit, and in His truth.

This Church, is commanded to ever preach these words , which embody the three attributes above; which are the substance of the words of God, which teach His truth unto His people; because the only way truth can be preached, is for that which is being preached to be the Truth of God which He has revealed by His Spirit, and preached by His Apostles see, Col. 1:23.

His words are:

Pure, because they are of the origin, authorship, and writing without error by God himself, with nothing in the process to contaminate them. They are pure words.

Tried, because everything written in God's Holy Word, is the record of His decree, which He declared in eternity before the World began, and done precisely and accordingly, to His honor and praise.

Purified, by all things which have, and shall come to pass; according to the proof of His Truth, What is His Truth? Read John 14:6, where God the Son, tells us that He is the Truth and the life, which was declared and fulfilled, when He came down from Heaven, fulfilled every word of Truth, and becoming the Truth.

Never Settle....Seek the truth.